Start typeing "komodo" until you see a match you like.
Select the Komodo menu entry at the top, and then select Preferences.
On Linux systems, the Preferences menu item may be under Edit.
When you click the Text selector, it will give you many options for the default language.
Select Tcl, and the display will resemble this:
You can move your cursor with the arrow keys, typeing will insert text, and the backspace key will delete text.
As you type, Komodo will give you hints about the command syntax and possible commands and will automatically close any quote, parenthesis, bracket or brace that you open.
In a terminal window, make the file executable with a command like:
chmod +x /Volumes/Scratch/test2.tcl
Next open the Tools/Run Command menu as shown here:
You can invoke the program either by explicitly telling Komodo to use
the wish8.6 interpreter (like this:
Or by just entering the path to the program.
If you just use the
path (as shown below), you must chmod
the program and
modify line 4 as shown above.
Output from teh puts
will be placed in the lower window, and the GUI will be placed on the
screen as shown here:
Applications/Komodo Edit.app/Contents/SharedSupport/default-templates/Common
will make the application run in the directory where the script is.
# -*- tcl -*-
# The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \
exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
cd [file dirname [info script]]