Lab 4: Encryption with lists and procedures.

  1. Write a program that has one button and one label. The results should resemble this (after clicking the Incr button a few times.


  2. The fibonacci series is generated by

    1. Initialize a list as {1 1}
    2. Create each new element by adding the end and end-1 elements of the list
      ie: {1 1 (1+1=2)} then {1 1 2 (1+2=3)}, etc.
    3. This can be implemented with three variables. Two to hold the previous two elements of the list, and one to hold the new sum.

    Modify the previous program to display the next fibonacci number in a series each time you click the button.

    All you need to change is the contents (and perhaps name) of the procedure.


  3. One more modification to the previous program. Rewrite the procedure so that it adds a random integer between 0 and 9 to the previous value.

    Run it a couple of times. Do you get the same set of numbers each time?

    Most computer applications use a pseudo-random number generator that uses some fancy math to calculate a random number.

    The number isn't actually random, it's just a random distribution. If you can force the random number generator to start at a known value, you'll always get the same values after that.

    This is useful when you are debugging an application that uses random numbers and you want it to behave consistently.

    The srand() function sets the random number generator start point. The Tcl interpreter calls this with the current time-in-seconds when it starts. This ensures that you always get a different pattern of random numbers when you run an application.

    A line like this will force the random number generator to start from 0.

    expr srand(0)

    Add this to the program and check that you get the same random numbers each time you run it.


  4. Here is the complete code from the lecture example.

    The variable alpha is defined within the encrypt procedure. That makes it local to the encrypt procedure.

    # proc encrypt {}--
    #    encrypt the contents of .plain and insert into .encrypt
    # Arguments
    #   NONE
    # Results
    #   .encrypt window is modified.
    proc encrypt {txt} {
      # Fill the lookup table
      set alpha \
          {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}
      # Iterate through characters
      foreach char [split $txt {}] {
        set pos [lsearch $alpha $char]
        # If character is in list, encrypt it, else keep the character
        if {$pos >= 0} {
          set pos2 [expr {($pos + 13) %26}]
          set char2 [lindex $alpha $pos2]
        } else {
          set char2 $char
        append encrypt $char2
      return $encrypt
    # proc encryptWin {inWin outWin}--
    #    Read characters from inWin and insert encrypted characters 
    # into outWin
    # Arguments
    #   inWin:	Name of a text widget to read input from
    #   outWin:	Name of a text widget to write encrypted text to
    # Results
    #   outWin widget contents are modified.
    proc encryptWin {inWin outWin} {
      set txt [$inWin get 0.0 end]
      $outWin delete 0.0 end
      $outWin insert 0.0 [encrypt $txt]
    set w [text .plain]
    grid $w -columnspan 3
    set w [text .encrypt]
    grid $w -columnspan 3
    set w1 [button .b_encrypt -text "Encrypt" -command encryptWin .plain .encrypt ]
    set w2 [button .b_exit -text "Exit" -command exit]
    grid $w1 $w2

    This version of the encrypt procedure defines the alpha variable in the global scope. That way it only needs to be defined once, which makes the encrypt procedure more efficient. (The assignment is done once, instead of every time the encrypt procedure is invoked.

    Replace the previous encrypt procedure with this one and test it.

    This code won't work - fix it.

    # Fill the lookup table
    set alpha {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}
    # proc encrypt {}--
    #    encrypt the contents of .plain and insert into .encrypt
    # Arguments
    #   NONE
    # Results
    #   .encrypt window is modified.
    proc encrypt {txt} {
      # Iterate through characters
      foreach char [split $txt {}] {
        set pos [lsearch $alpha $char]
        # If character is in list, encrypt it, else keep the character
        if {$pos >= 0} {
          set pos2 [expr {($pos + 13) %26}]
          set char2 [lindex $alpha $pos2]
        } else {
          set char2 $char
        append encrypt $char2
      return $encrypt


  5. The previous encrypt procedure uses a fixed offset (Caesar) cipher.

    Modern ciphers like DES use a random number and a secret seed to change the offset for each character.

    Rework the encrypt procedure to use expr srand($seed) and rand() to generate a better encryption.

    Write a decrypt procedure to convert back to plaintext to test this.


  6. The previous encryption procedures used a single list and calculated offsets. We can write an encryption procedure that uses two lists - one for the plain text, and one for the cipher text:

    set plainChars   {a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z}
    set encryptChars {z y x w v u t s r q p o n m l k j i h g f e d c b a}
    proc encrypt {txt} {
      global plainChars 
      global encryptChars
      foreach char [split $txt {}] {
        set pos [lsearch $plainChars $char]
        # If character is in list, encrypt it, else keep the character
        if {$pos >= 0} {
          set char2 [lindex $encryptChars $pos}
        } else {
          set char2 $char
        append encrypt $char2
      return $encrypt

    This code has a small typo bug in it.

    Cut/Paste it into your program and fix the bug, then write a decrypt procedure to convert cipherText into plainText.


  7. The previous example uses a fixed relationship between plainText and cipherText. It always converts an 'a' to a 'z', etc.

    The encryptChars array can be created on the fly with code like this

    # proc buildEncryptChars {orig}--
    #    return a list of reordered characters
    # Arguments
    #   orig	A list of list elements to be reordered.
    # Results
    #   No side effects.
    proc randomizeList {orig} {
      set origLen [llength $orig]
      for {set i 0} {$i < $origLen} {incr i} {
        set pos [expr {int(rand()*[llength $orig])}]
        lappend new [lindex $orig $pos]
        set orig [lreplace $orig $pos $pos]
      return $new

    Modify the previous example by adding this procedure and then adding a wrapper around the randomizeList procedure to initialize the encryptChars variable.

    The new procedure should accept a seed value so that you can decrypt a message later.

  8. A useful encrypting/decryption program would allow you to load text from a file and then encrypt or decrypt it.

    Add a Load button to this procedure that will call a procedure that reads a set of text and inserts it into the upper text widget so that you can then encrypt or decrypt it.

    Add a Save button that will use the tk_getSaveFile command to get a filename, open the file in write mode, and save the data from the lower text window.

    The results should look like this:


  9. An even more useful application would have buttons to Load and Save from each text window, a button to clear the text and scrollbars attached to the windows.

    Add an argument to the Load and Save procedures in the previous example to select the window that will have data loaded to or saved from.

    Modify the buildGUI procedure to create separate Load and Save buttons for each text window to load/save into that window.

    Also modify the buildGUI procedure to contain scrollbars attached to each text widget.

    The results should look something like this:


  10. Instead of splitting the incoming text into characters, it can be kept as words.

    In that case, we can use two lists of words to generate a code message instead of a cipher message.

    set plain {IBM       Microsoft Buy  Sell Stock}
    set code {{Blue Dog} Gate      Bake Bury Cake}

    Write the procedures so that the phrase

    If IBM is higher than Microsoft, buy their Stock
    If Blue Dog is higher than Gate, Bake their Cake

    No online solution for this one. See if you can figure it out.

Copyright Clif Flynt 2009