Lab 2 : Tcl/Tk 1

NOTE: This lab makes use of the messages.1 file from the previous Shell lab. If you get an error about not being able to open the file, first make sure the file is downloaded to your system (use the ls command), and then make sure that the Tcl script can find it.

If the messages.1 file has been downloaded, but your program can't find it, you probably need to do one of these steps to tell your program how to find the file:

  1. Change the messages.1 in the examples to the full path to wherever you've stored the messages.1 file. (For instance, /Volumes/Scratch/messages.1.)
  2. Open a terminal and cd to the directory where your program and the messages.1 file are stored. Then run your program from the terminal window. You can run the program with a command like wish8.6 myProgramName.tcl
  3. If you're using the Run command in KomodoEdit, select the More button and modify the Start in field. You need to type (or browse to) the folder where the messages.1 file is stored. Note that you'll need to do this each time you Run a program from KomodoEdit.

This lab introduces the first Tcl/Tk commands. You'll write a simple game or two and generate reports based on a log file similar to the ones generated in the previous lab.

Look at these pages first - they are a quick read:


  1. The next code will generate a set of labels like this:

    Notice that the name of the label is created using the winNum variable. This creates labels named .l_1, .l_2, etc.

    Every widget must have a unique name. Sometimes you know just what widgets you'll be creating while you are writing the program:

    Sometimes you don't know what widgets will be created when you are writing the program, the program learns this as it's running. That's what happens in this code - it creates a label for each day when there are events to report and you don't know what days those will be when you are writing the application.

    Creating a widget name based on some related value is a useful technique for creating widget names on the fly when you don't know what windows you'll need when you are writing the application.

    Also notice that the grid command is using a variable to hold the row and adding one to this variable on each pass through the loop. Using a variable instead of hardcoding the row numbers makes a program more adaptable, since it can grow or shrink as required.

    set row 1
    set column 1
    set winNum 1
    foreach day {20 21 22 23 24} {
      label .l_$winNum -text "Day $day"
      grid .l_$winNum -row $row -column $column
      set row [expr {$row + 1}]
      set winNum [expr {$winNum + 1}]

    The grid command will expand or shrink any field to fit the widgets you place in it. Try changing the grid command to use the $day variable instead of the $row variable.

    Does this change the display? Why/Why not?

  2. The standard Unix/Linux log files follow a similar format. The fields are space separated. The first few fields will always be the same for a given type of log file. The last fields may vary depending on the type of event and the information that needs to be conveyed.

    The first fields in the message.1 file used in this lab follows this format

    Because the format is fixed, we can extract specific information (like the date, time or application) using the cut command.

    This code returns a list of all the type fields:

      set types [exec cut -d " " -f 5 /Volumes/Scratch/messages.1 ]
      puts $types

    These values include the pid value. If we invoke cut again, we can use a [ as the field delimiter and get just the name:

      set types [exec cut -d " " -f 5 messages.1 | cut -d [ -f 1]
      puts $types

    Put that command into a file and test it. You'll receive an error message like this:

    missing close-bracket
        while executing
    "set types [exec cut -d " " -f 5 messages.1 | cut -d [ -f 1]

    The square bracket is just another character for the cut command, but it has meaning to the Tcl interpreter. In order to pass the square bracket to the cut command, it needs to be protected from the Tcl interpreter. This can be done with a back-slach (\\) or with curly braces.

      set types [exec cut -d " " -f 5 messages.1 | cut -d {[} -f 1]
      puts $types

    The variable types now has an entry for each line in the file. We can reduce that to just the distinct types of messages with the sort command:

      set types [exec cut -d " " -f 5 messages.1 | cut -d {[} -f 1 | sort -u]
      puts $types

    Write a script that uses this command to display a label with a list of the distinct types of messages in the messages.1 file.

    Use a separate label for each message and place each label on a separate line.


  3. It's common to have buttons that will perform an action when they are clicked.

    Add a button to exit the application to the previous example.

    The result should look like this:


  4. Loops can be nested in Tcl just as they can be nested in shell scripts.

    Use two loops to create a 2-D display that looks like this:

    One loop will step through a list of letters and the other will step through a list of numbers.


  5. The code below shows how you can use two loops to generate a simple report.

    When you enter it and run it. You'll see a result like this:

    # The variable winNum is used to provide a unique name
    # for each window.
    set winNum 0
    # Loop on days that we know exist in this log file.
    # Real code might do a pre-scan to find out what days are actually present.
    foreach day {20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27} {
      # Column must be initialized inside this loop
      set column 1
      # Create a label for the day and grid it
      # Note that the $day variable is used for the row 
      # The grid command ignores empty rows and columns, so this leaves
      #   no blank spaces.
      label .day_$winNum -text $day
      grid .day_$winNum -row $day -column $column
      # create a new winNum for the next window
      set winNum [expr $winNum + 1]
      # Loop for the messages we know are in this file
      foreach type { dhcpd: last named ntpd sshd syslogd } {
        # A new label : note the -borderwidth and -relief options 
        # these make the labels obviously separate
        label .type_$winNum -text "$type for $day" -borderwidth 2 -relief ridge
        grid .type_$winNum -row $day -column $column
        # Create new winNum and Step to next column
        set winNum [expr $winNum + 1]
        set column [expr {$column + 1}]

    Look at the code and the image closely. There is code to create labels with just the date, but they don't appear in the image. The first "type for $day" label overlays the day label.

    This is caused by a common type of programming error that occurs when calculating a new location inside a set of loops.

    This can be fixed by moving one line of code. Fix it so that the display looks like this:


  6. The exec command will return the results of the system commands it runs. Whatever would be displayed on stdout is returned by the exec command. The exec command can use pipes the same way that a shell script can.

    This means you can write small applications like this:

    set count [exec grep sshd messages.1 | wc -l]
    tk_messageBox -type ok -message "There are $count sshd messages in messages.1"

    Type in that code and test it.

    Modify the code above to show only the ssh messages with invalid in the message.

  7. The exec command passes the status return up to the Tcl interpreter. For instance, if grep cannot access a file, the exec command will throw an error.

    Put this line into a file and execute it to see the result:

     exec grep foo /var/db/BootCache.playlist

    The grep command also returns a failure if it fails to find any matches to a string.

    Put this line into a file and execute it to see the result:

     exec grep NoSuchLine messages.1

    This presents a problem when using a Tcl script to exec grep commands. For example looking for multiple patterns in a file will abort the application if the pattern is not present.

    There are several solutions to this problem.

    One solution is to preselect only patterns that exist in the file.

    You might think that you could look for sshd attacks on separate days with the code below.

      set row 1
      foreach day {20 21 22 23 24 25} {
        set ssh_count [exec grep sshd messages.1 | grep password | grep "Dec $day" | wc -l]
        label .l_$day -text "Number of SSH messages on Dec $day is $ssh_count"
        grid .l_$day -row $row -column 1
        set row [expr {$row + 1}]

    Try typing in this code to see what happens. (Or you might just guess that it will fail because there are some days when there was no attack.)

    We can select the days when an attack occurred by grepping for the attack patterns, selecting only the day from the result, and then sorting to get only the unique values.

      set days [exec grep sshd messages.1 | grep password | cut -d " " -f 2 | sort -u]

    Rework the example above to figure out which days should be tested and then display the days.

    Don't be surprised that this application will take quite a while to run. It has to run the grep command several times.

    The results should resemble this:


  8. Use the techniques we've discussed to modify the previous code to show the count of events in each label.

    The results should look like this:


  9. Loops take time. You can calculate the time it will take to perform the tasks in a loop like this:
      Elapsed Time = Loop Count * Time to process

    Nested loops take even longer, since you go through the outer and inner (and perhaps more inner loops) multiple times. For two loops, you can calculate the time like this:

      Elapsed Time = OuterLoop Count * InnerLoop Count * Time to process

    Two ways to speed up processing are to reduce the number times your code iterates through the loops and to reduce the processing time.

    You can reduce the time it takes grep to process a file by making the file smaller.

    You can reduce the size of the file being grepped by creating an intermediate file with code something like this.

      exec grep ssh messages.1 >tmpFile

    Modify the previous code to create intermediate files and grep for the various types of messages on the days that the messages are available.

    The loops can be left in their current order and grep can be used to extract the messages for a given day, or the loops can be rearranged to put the message types in the outside loop and the days on the inner loop. In either case, your code will need to find the values that actually exist in the file before starting a loop.
